About CoinArchives Pro

In addition to the features you can find on our free service CoinArchives.com, CoinArchives Pro offers:

Full Access to the Entire CoinArchives Database
  • Search a database of over 8 million auction records from more than 150 international auction houses
  • Benefit from an archive that stretches back in part more than 20 years and is being updated constantly with new auction results (Auctions included: Ancient coins | World coins)
  • Browse each auction as it originally appeared

Enhanced Search Tools
  • Narrow your search to one auction, one firm, or go directly to a single auction lot
  • Customize your search options to use your preferred search syntax and restrict which results are displayed

Multiple Sorting/Viewing Options
  • Sort results by sale date, hammer price, or relevance
  • Jump directly from a search result to browse the auction where that lot appeared

Analysis/Comparison Tools
  • Save coins for later comparison
  • View prices realized in several currencies

Numismatic Publications

Pricing information:
US$600 (561 EUR) for 12 months of service


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